Thursday, February 23, 2012

C&J's Blog Adventure

Hello, World!

Welcome to Chris & Jenna's Blog Adventure!  Maybe that should be the name for the blog instead of How the Blog Makes You Feel.  Chris isn't home, so my "punny" jokes probably aren't as good right now. (The links will - maybe - show the lame jokes I'm making...)

So, I've been on our couch for about 2 hours watching the Hulu tv shows Chris isn't into (he's at work) and finally sewing things for him that have probably been in my to-do pile for 6 of the 7 months we've been married... and had the sudden thought, "We should have a blog!"  Which sounds more fun than the chore-related things I planned to do tonight... (but maybe not more fun than catching up on The Voice.  or maybe it does.  must weigh this out...)

Today is Thursday, and it's the day after Ash Wednesday.  I grew up Lutheran, so Lent was always a part of my life.  We would sometimes go to church on Ash Wednesday and get ashes on our foreheads.  I remember Wednesday night Lenten soup suppers that the youth group would help carry out (especially the supper when I had tortellini soup for the first time...heaven!!).  It was a time for people to gather together over a simple meal before a service, instead of an elaborate private meal, or paying for a restaurant to cook it, or a rushed family dinner before running off to the next event.  People were generous to work together to combine a few ingredients, spend a bit extra at the grocery store, give a bit of time, and produce a meal that feeds many.  It makes me think of Jesus feeding the 5,000...  He used a few loaves and fish to feed thousands of people, and while He is the one who creates miracles like that, maybe it can be a reminder that when we're willing to give a little bit, many can be blessed.  

Neither of these things were in my mind two nights ago when we pondered whether to give something up for Lent together this year.  Chris had the thought to give up going to restaurants.  My food-loving, greedy belly balked at first.  What if friends wanted to go out to dinner?  What if we wanted to get breakfast together before work?  What if we wanted to go on a date?  What about Spring Break vacation spots?!  But, after a while, my selfish nature backed down (it helped to think about how our President's Day venture to Philly with good friends was a purchased-food field day of greasy glory), and Wednesday morning we set off to work, waving forlornly as we passed Burger King's alluring breakfast sandwiches.  As God has started to open my mind (He is very fond of doing this lately), I can see this is an opportunity for a lot of growth to happen.  It will help us open our home to our friends more and serve them by cooking for them.  It will help us get a bit more practical and plan out all of our meals.  Maybe we'll get more creative with the food we make, so we don't get bored (though I would be shocked if Chris ever turned down a burrito).  Maybe we'll even finally have a Taste For Change meal like we set out to do years ago!  Maybe we'll become better stewards of the income God has blessed us with for the time being.

Lent is a journey, and we had the privilege of kicking it off last night at Grace Fellowship Chapel.  Pastor Ralf Nies put together a "service" of silent meditation stations through which we could travel at our own pace.  What was incredible was that each station held a tactile thing for us to do as we read scripture and prayed - a candle, clay, a stone, water, oil, a cross, communion, and ashes.  The silent space and action through art to help us meditate gave God a wonderful space to speak, and we each heard some great things.  I, especially, feel on the verge of a great journey.  God is calling me to question and listen to what He has in store for our music, for my occupation, for the passions He's placed in my heart, for our marriage... lots of change is possible in the coming months.  If you think of us, pray for unity in decision making and clear paths to be opened!  If there is one thing I know, it's that none of the events of the past several years are things I would have dreamed up for myself, and I have been amazed.  He has been - and will continue to - smooth my rough edges like a stone in a river on its journey to the sea.  

May Lent be an intentional, instrumental part of this journey.  May being willing to give up something small bring about great things.  And may we be humble servants to tell the story to many of what has been done for us, what we have seen, and what we will give up to follow the calling on our life.


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